CRE Price Growth Appears to Continue | National Real Estate Investor

Ten years into this expansion cycle and properties are continuing to post impressive price growth. Property price growth rose 1.1 percent in May from April, the biggest monthly increase since early 2015, according to the latest U.S. National All-Property Index tracked by research firm Real Capital Analytics (RCA). Year-over-year pricing growth jumped to 7.2 percent. […]
Avoid commercial real estate roadblocks

Have you ever come across a roadblock, turned to take an alternative route and found yourself up against another obstacle? During Saskatoon’s construction season (basically anytime not designated Winter), it can be frustrating trying to find a route without some hurdle. Likewise, commercial real estate buyers and sellers can potentially encounter endless roadblocks during the […]
Multifamily Developers Offer Generous Concessions to Fill New Buildings

A robust pipeline of new apartments planned prior to the COVID-19 pandemic has continued to deliver projects throughout 2020. To attract tenants to properties at a time when many Americans are facing economic uncertainty and others are considering whether to leave cities and move to the suburbs, owners are now offering generous concessions, including months […]
Why there’s no better time to make a commercial real estate investment in Phoenix | AZ Big Media

As COVID-19 continues to disrupt the economy, now could be a great time to make opportunistic commercial real estate investments in the Phoenix Metropolitan area. With the unpredictable nature of the market, those with cash have an upper hand. Furthermore, those with strong credit can finance with interest rates that are two and four percent […]
Coronavirus fallout: Is commercial real estate headed for a crash?

Within the next week, David Marino will list nearly 300,000 square feet of sublease office space in Sorrento Mesa that current tenants no longer need. For Marino, a principal at the Hughes Marino commercial real estate brokerage firm that specializes in representing tenants, these subleases are an early wave of what he expects to be […]
In the Short Term, CRE Will Take a Hit. But Real Estate Economists Advise Investors Not to Panic

As the impact from the measures to stem the spread of COVID-19 takes hold of irtually every sector of the U.S. economy, real estate economists are revisiting their predictions for 2020 made at the beginning of the year. Just over two months ago, industry economists were saying 2020 activity should largely mirror the level seen […]
How Commercial Real Estate Investors Survived the Last Recession

A common worry in 2019 was the specter of “the next recession.” Economists spent the better part of the year warning us about how we’re overdue for a crash and from the New York Times to the Wall Street Journal, media outlets ran stories and opinions about the next downturn—what would signal it, when it […]
Why Banks are Cutting Back on Commercial Real Estate Lending

This post originally appeared on tBL member Michael Kushner’s blog Omni Realty Group and is republished with permission. Find out how to syndicate your content with theBrokerList. Commercial real estate lending, the bread-and-butter business for many smaller and regional banks, could further decrease in 2020. The cause is a combination of a few different factors […]
8 ways success in marriage can help in commercial real estate

My beautiful, and forever youthful bride and I celebrated our 40th anniversary recently. 40 years! Right? I realize that many of you reading this column aren’t even 40 years old. In fact our oldest turned 36 a couple of weeks ago. AMAZING! As I reflected on our lives together, it dawned on me that for […]
Investment Sales Prices Find Some Late Cycle Momentum

The $14.5-million sale of the Sand Cove Apartments in St. Pete Beach, Fla. last month isn’t a deal that would normally stand out amid the crowded field of mega-sales and portfolio acquisitions that occurred in 2019. What is eye-catching is that the sale price on the 72-unit property surpassed $200,000 per unit—the highest price paid […]